‘Write something funny, every day in your blog.’ While others won’t get it, it might clear the fog.
‘Write a joke, many ways’ Scott Dikkers’ book instructs. All I can do is limericks construct.
A funny a day helps the brain cells to stay
……But does it? My superficial research says only if you’re learning at the same time.
A funny a day keeps dementia away
……Clearly not, coz Terry Pratchett
A funny a day helps the brain cells to stay
……But does it? My superficial research says only if you’re learning at the same time.
A funny a day won’t help pay your way
……This one seems more accurate. And less funny.
A funny a day might well help me think
But blogging it too leads to bankruptcy brink.
……Also less funny
Every day of his life my Dad made a joke
Open and thoughtful, each one of them woke.
I’m blogging to teach myself how to write fun
In doing so maybe I’ll find a new pun.
……Or not. Coz life.
And finally?
A comic and their funnies may not soon be parted. And if they are funny, more soon will be started.
…..I can hope
My test audience was one person at a wine bar. And I know, they’re pretty ropey as limerics, poems or prose.
I was going to call this ‘Nearly Nine Neat Lines’ but 1) they’re not lines or neat 2) I suspect I am overfond of alliteration 3) I’m testing whether this sort of heading might be more attractive. Let me know!
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