First World Problems / Hidden Disability Be Like

view of long dark-ish buildings and sky that is grey on grey, with vaguely whiter bits. The image is taken through a window spattered with rain drops. The image reflects where I am in town, the weather, and my feelings about the UK.
View from my hotel windown in Bristol, (c) Carole Edrich 2023

No time for a full blog post this week, so here are two random thoughts:

I’m in Bristol on the first Unlimited Board and Senior Management Team AwayDay. On the way back to my room from breakfast, a thought pops into my head ‘It’s really nice not to be in a hotel with professional rugby players and TV teams’  Privilege or what!

And here is an extract from a genuine phone conversation with a friend:

Conversation between 2 people, one with chronic fatigue/ME and the other who doesn't. The conversation reflects the battle those of us with hidden disabilities often have, even with well intentioned friends.
Extract from spoken conversation

Enough said, I think.


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